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Woods Services Award for Scouting With Special Needs

The Woods Services Award is a national-level recognition for volunteer adults
who provide outstanding service to Scouts with special needs.
Woods Services, founded in 1913 as The Woods Schools for Exceptional Children,
is a nationally recognized leader in services for people with developmental disabilities,
brain injury, and mental health diagnoses, serving 1,000 individuals annually. Woods
Services is licensed by the state of Pennsylvania to provide educational, residential,
and vocational services for children, adults, and seniors. Round-the-clock medical
services are provided, and residents are offered a full schedule of social and recreational
activities both on and off campus. Woods Services is located in Langhorne, Pennsylvania,
with additional locations throughout Bucks, Montgomery, and Chester Counties in
Instructions and Additional Information
- The nomination
form should be sent by the local council to the Scouts With Special
Needs Task Force, S209, at the BSA national office, by December 31
to be considered for the following year’s selection.
- A nominee shall
- Be currently registered as a member of the Boy Scouts of America and
have three or more years of ser vice in any Scouting capacity related to
Cub Scouts, Boy Scouts, and/or Venturers with disabilities.
- Have done all Scouting activities related to Scouts with disabilities
on a strictly volunteer basis.
- One national award is granted each year.
- TThe award will be available for presentation by May 1of each year. It is
to be presented at a suitable national or regional meeting, with consideration
given to the recipient's availability.
- The award, a handsome, engraved plaque, is provided each year by Woods Services.
Recipients of the award are entitled to wear the Community Organization Award
suare knot patch shown at the top of the page.
Page updated on:
May 23, 2014