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Lions Club International
Scouting Service Award

Purpose of the award:
The Lions Club Scouting Service Award is an honor available to recognize an individual
Lion within the USA who acts as a role model and renders distinguished and dedicated
service to Scouting through active service, leadership or other exemplary contributions
to the Boy Scouts of America OR Girl Scouts USA as an active Lion. Keeping with
the objectives and principles of both Lions International and Scouting, the nominee
must have encouraged character development, leadership, citizenship and personal
growth for scouting youth.
Keeping with the objectives and principles of both Lions International and Scouting,
the nominee must have encouraged character development, leadership, citizenship
and personal growth for scouting youth.
- Must be a Lion in good standing with his/her local club, be a current registered
Lion for five years and be nominated by the current president of a local Lions
Club and/or District Governor.
- Be registered in a Scouting position at a Unit, District or Council level
for a combination of five years;
- Be fully trained in his/her scouting positions and his/her Lions Club/district
leadership positions;
- Have strengthened the relationship between local Lions Clubs and Scouting;
- Assisted Lions Clubs in forming new scouting units: and
- Exemplifies the BSA/Girl Scout Law and Lions Motto.
Approval of Award:
The nomination must be submitted to the Lions own District Youth/Scouting Chairperson
for approval (or another regional approved chairperson).
Awardees receive a medal suspended from purple ribbon and a certificate. A gold
and purple square knot to wear on a BSA Scouter’s uniform is available when you
mail in your application with payment. The award may be presented at the District’s
Convention or District Cabinet Meeting. In addition, a presentation may be made
at a local scouting council or district function, such as an awards dinner or an
annual meeting.
Application Form:
The application form may be downloaded

Page updated on:
March 19, 2024