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Sea Badge Award

These awards are given as recognition of completion of the Sea Badge Course,
which is the advanced training course for Sea Scouting leaders at the Ship, District,
Council or Regional level.
The single trident versions are awarded to attendees. (The different background
colors are for different color uniforms.) The version with two tridents is
awarded to staff members, and the three trident version is awarded to course directors.
There is also a Sea badge pin, pictured, below, which is awarded after completion
of the course.

Attendance at the Sea Badge course is nominative.

The recognition knot was derived from an earlier unofficial emblem
(illustrated above)
Credits: Original and blue on silver knot scans courtesy of Mike
Other scans courtesy of
Updated information courtesy of Gene Foley - Seabadge course director
in the Northeast Region
Page updated on:
May 23, 2014