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Silver World Award

The Silver World Award, conceived in 1971, is presented by the BSA to world citizens
who give outstanding service to their nation's youth, to young people in other countries,
or to the Scouting program of their nation through their participation or support.
Recipients of the Silver World must be citizens of countries whose Scout associations
are members of the World Organization of Scouting Movements (WOSM), to include registered
adult BSA members. Nominations are accepted from anyone with knowledge of an individual's
service to Scouting or to youth on an international or worldwide basis, to include
individuals served by the BSA's Direct Service. Awards are presented through the
BSA's National Court of Honor by the Chief Scout Executive, National President,
International Commissioner, or National Commissioner or by BSA volunteers or professionals
on behalf of the BSA's National officers. A limited number of Silver World Awards
are presented
based upon one award for every 50, 000 registered BSA youth members at the end of
the preceding calendar year. Awards not presented may be held over for presentation
in subsequent years. The Award consists of a red and white striped ribbon holding
a light blue sphere with the BSA's emblem in the center, surrounded by three stars
- two on the right and one on the left; a certificate; a lapel pin; and a cloth
emblem for the BSA and other nation's field uniforms.
Award by nomination only.
Page updated on:
May 23, 2014