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Daniel Carter Beard
Masonic Scouter Award

The Daniel Carter Beard Masonic Scouter Award is an honor due to members of the
Masonic Lodge who act as role models and provide dedicated service to the young
men in the BSA. The Daniel Carter Beard Masonic Award not only supports
the Masonic relationship through the man who brought Scouting to America, but proclaims
the integrity of the recipient who is honored by receiving the award.
The Daniel Carter Beard Masonic Scouter Award is a
Boy Scout Community Organization Award, used by
community organizations to honor their volunteers for Scouting. Recipients
are presented a medallion on a neck ribbon (shown below) and may wear the generic
Boy Scout Community Organization Award Square Knot shown above.
The award will be presented to a Master Mason who is currently a registered Scouter
and active in a Scout unit, district, council, or national affiliate, and has displayed
outstanding dedication to the Scouting program through:
- developing of Scouting units;
- assisting lodges in forming units;
- exemplifying the Scout Law and Masonic virtues;
- recruiting Scouting volunteers;
- strengthening the relationship between Freemasonry and Scouting.
Work accomplishment and dedication, rather than a specific number of years in
Scouting, will be the criteria for this award.
For more information including the procedure for nominations and a list of
participating Grand Lodges,
Click Here.

Page updated on:
May 23, 2014