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Sea Scouting Leader Training Award

Mates and ship committee members earn this award by qualifying for the requirements
listed below.
- Complete Venturing Leader Youth Protection
- Complete Sea Scout Adult Leader Basic Training.
- Complete a boating safety course offered by the U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary,
U.S. Power Squadrons, or NASBLA approved boater safety course.
Complete two years of registered tenure in any adult capacity in Sea Scouts.
- Participate in ILSS training or the quarterdeck training for the ship in
each year.
- Serve as an adult leader in a ship that achieves at least Bronze level of
Journey to Excellence in each year.
- Give primary leadership in meeting at least one ship Journey to Excellence
objective in each year.
- Participate in at least one additional supplemental or advanced training
event at the council, area, region, or national level during the two years.
- Perform to the satisfaction of the Skipper your assigned leadership duties.
The Skipper and Commissioner must approve all applications.
Sea Scout Adult Training Award Application
Page updated on:
November 28, 2017