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Distinguished Commissioner Service Award

Requirements were REWRITTEN effective May 1, 2016.
For the previous requirements,
Click here.
- The Distinguished Commissioner Service Award is the highest recognition
that can be given to a commissioner. It recognizes an individual who has consistently
engaged in distinguished and exceptional commissioner service resulting in significant,
positive impact on youth, units, and a district and/or council. In determining
the value of such service, consideration must be given to the candidate recipient’s
commissioner position and the corresponding opportunity to render outstanding
and exceptional service beyond the expectations for that commissioner position.
- In order to be considered for the Distinguished Commissioner Service Award,
a candidate recipient must be nominated by a currently registered adult member
of the Boy Scouts of America. Commissioners may not nominate themselves.
- The Distinguished Commissioner Service Award may be awarded once to a commissioner.
- There is no restriction on the number of Distinguished Commissioner Service
Awards that may be awarded by a local council during a calendar year.
In order to be considered for the Distinguished Commissioner Service Award, a
candidate recipient shall:
- Be currently registered as a commissioner or have served as a commissioner
within the last five years. When nominating a former commissioner, the nomination
must be based on the nominee’s performance while a registered commissioner.
- Possess the Commissioner Key (possession of the Commissioner Key automatically
includes possession of the Arrowhead Honor).
- The Distinguished Commissioner Service Award nomination form will be available
on the Awards and Recognition section of the Commissioners website. The nomination
form will be similar to the District Award of Merit nomination form, and will
contain the following:
- A record of the nominee’s tenure as a commissioner and as a Scouter
in general,
- A listing of previous Scouting awards and recognitions received by the
- A statement by the nominator as to the nominee’s distinguished and exceptional
service as a commissioner which qualifies the nominee to receive the Distinguished
Commissioner Service Award, and
- The nominator’s signatory section on the nomination form will include
the following statement:
“I confirm that the nominee lives by the principles of the Scout
Oath and Scout Law in word and deed, and is exemplary in his/her personal,
family, and professional activities"
- The completed nomination form will be returned to the council commissioner.
- The council commissioner may annually appoint a temporary Distinguished
Commissioner Service Award Selection Committee of registered commissioners which
will review all nominations and make recommendations of those nominees to receive
the award to the council commissioner. The council commissioner will make the
final determination regarding the granting of the award(s). If the council commissioner
is an intended recipient, the issuance of the award will be approved by the
council president or his/her designee. Whenever possible, the members of the
committee should possess the Distinguished Commissioner Service Award.
- The council commissioner in conjunction with his/her professional liaison
shall obtain the appropriate recognition items (see D below).
- The Distinguished Commissioner Service Award should be presented at an appropriate
council or district event.
- Certificate: A certificate specifically designed for the Distinguished Commissioner Service Award. The template for the certificate will be found in the Awards and Recognition Section of
the Commissioners website.
- Recognition items:
- Plaque: item # 17610 (Silver)
- Bolo tie: item # 747 (Silver)
- Uniform Knot: #5019
The Nomination Form can be downloaded, by
Clicking here.
Page updated on:
December 07, 2016