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Marvin M. Lewis Award of the
Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks

The Boy Scouts of America established the Marvin M. Lewis Award in 1998 in recognition
of the Elks’ significant contributions to Scouting and the development of America’s
The Grand Lodge invites all local Lodges to nominate ONE candidate for the award.
Candidates must have the recommendation of their local Lodge and their local Scouting
Council to be eligible. Each year eight Elks will receive Marvin M. Lewis Awards,
which consists of a medal and ribbon, a framed certificate, a lapel pin and a square
When selecting their candidate, Lodges were asked to consider Elks who:
- Have brought Scouting to more youth.
- Have assisted local Elks lodges in forming Scouting units.
- Are fully trained in the skills of Scouting and are outstanding role
- Have contributed significantly to Elks and Scouting by bringing the
two movements together to serve the community.
- Have offered Scouting to all youth regardless of race, creed, or income
level, and has been instrumental in organizing Scouting units, especially
in inner-city or other low--income communities.
The awards will be presented at the Grand Lodge Convention. Application forms
may be obtained from Grand Lodge Committeeman,
James C. Beckley, Jr.,
or from any state Youth Activity Chairman.
Page updated on:
May 23, 2014