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Venturing Advisor's Key

To see the previous requirements,
Click here.
Complete at least three years of registered tenure as a Venturing crew
Advisor within a five-year period.
(This can include the tenure used to earn the Venturing Training Award.)
- Complete basic training for Advisors.
- Complete This Is Scouting training.
- Attend a university of Scouting (or equivalent), or attend at least four
roundtables/teen leaders’ councils/Venturing officers association meetings
(or equivalent) during each year of the tenure used for this award.
Do the following during the tenure used for this award:
- Achieve at least the Silver level of Journey to Excellence for at least
two years. The Quality Unit Award is acceptable if the tenure used is prior
to 2011
- Have an annual crew planning session and have a published crew
meeting/activity schedule for the crew in each year.
- Participate in at least one additional supplemental or advanced training
event at the council, area, region, or national level.
Progress Record
for the Venturing Advisor's Key (511-056)
Page updated on:
May 23, 2014