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Wood Badge

Unofficial Wood Badge
The official Wood Badge training recognition regalia include the neckerchief,
woggle, and beads (necklace). Onboard a nautical vessel, any necklace type device
can be hazardous. Because of this several Sea Scouting leaders created the Wood
badge emblem to be worn informally with Sea Scouting whites, blues and khaki. There
are three versions of the knots shown above, corresponding to the two-bead, three-bead
and four-bead necklaces worn by Wood Badge trained Scouters. However, the National
Uniform and Insignia Committee has denied requests by the Sea Scouting community
to authorize this knot. The universal insignia of Wood Badge are established by
the World Organization of the Scout Movement (WOSM). Other Scouters developed the
knot shown below, which is also unofficial and unauthorized for wear on the uniform.
Credits: Scan of the knot on the left was provided by Mike Walton.
The other was scanned by Paul Wolf
Page updated on:
May 23, 2014