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Arrowhead Honor

Complete Basic Training and the following projects:
- Visit each assigned unit eight or more times throughout the year
- Fill in and follow up on Commissioner Work Sheets or self assessment forms
for each assigned unit:
- Conduct membership and leadership inventories in each assigned unit
- Attend six District Commissioner staff meetings and provide the training
topic for one meeting
- Participate in a charter renewal meeting that results in on-time unit reregistration
- Participate in a charter presentation
- Attend a council commissioner conference or planning conference, or actively participate in a major council event.
- Help a unit resolve a specific problem or improve some aspect of their unit
- Review all material in the
- current Venturing Program Forum Guide,
- current Boy Scout Roundtable Planning Guide,
- current Cub Scout Roundtable Planning Guide, or the
- current Varsity Scout Roundtable Planning Guide
- Review all material in
- Troop Program Features,
- Cub Scout Program Helps,
- Varsity Scout Game Plan, or
- Venturing Leader Manual
- Recruit a roundtable staff
- Lead staff in preparing a 1-year roundtable outline
- Supervise the staff in conducting these roundtables
- With the District Commissioner and District Executive, develop and use
an attendance promotion plan.
- Attend a council Commissioner conference, roundtable, or planning conference.
- Work with your District Executive to evaluate all Commissioners you supervise.
- Achieve a ratio of one Unit Commissioner for every three units in the district
or service area.
- Develop and put into action a suitable recruiting plan.
- Chair or take part actively in six District Commissioner staff meetings
- Attend six District Committee meetings (not required for Assistants)
- Attend a council Commissioner conference with a majority of your staff.
- Provide personal coaching for the Commissioners you supervise.
- Develop and implement a plan to track and hold your Unit Commissioners
accountable for monthly unit visits.
- Create a position description for the Assistant Council Commissioner
role and obtain approval of the Council Commissioner.
- Develop a work plan for your position that covers the program year.
- Implement the work plan with continuous evaluation throughout the
program year.
- Chair or actively take part in six council commissioner staff meetings.
- Report on work plan progress at council commissioner staff meetings.
- Give leadership to a council commissioner conference or other major
- In consultation with the council commissioner, select and carry out a
major project in the council.
- Work with your Scout Executive of other staff adviser and evaluate all District
Commissioners in the council.
- Achieve a ratio in the council of one Unit Commissioner for every three
units or a ratio approved by your staff advisor.
- Develop and put into action a suitable recruiting plan throughout the
- Chair or actively take part in six council commissioner staff meetings.
- Have an active, effective district commissioner in every district of the
- Give leadership to a council commissioner conference or other major
- In consultation with the Scout executive/staff adviser, select and carry
out a major project in the council.
- Work with your area director or other designated staff adviser to
evaluate the performance of the council commissioners
at least twice annually.
- Establish regular communication with each council commissioner in the
area, taking advantage of resources provided by the national and regional
support structures.
- Chair at least four council commissioner meetings annually—either in
person or by conference call—and include an
evaluation on the progress of the following:
- Develop and put into action a suitable recruiting and retention plan
for the councils in the area.
- Conduct unit commissioner membership ratio evaluations with the
stated goal of improving our ratios by specified amounts.
- Develop a plan for training and use of the Unit Visitation Tracking
System 2.0 in the councils.
- Discuss on a regular basis how to expand the role of the
commissioner in an effective Key 3 relationship.
- Promote the national training opportunities for the commissioner
corps, including those at the Philmont Training Center.
- Visit at least three councils in your area during the calendar year.
- Participate with or serve on the faculty of a commissioner conference or
College of Commissioner Science.
- Work with your designated staff adviser to evaluate the performance of
the area commissioners at least twice annually.
- Establish regular communication with each area commissioner, taking
advantage of resources provided by the national and regional support
- Chair at least four area commissioner meetings—either in person or by
conference call—and include an evaluation on the progress of the following:
- Area and council development, and implementation of a suitable
recruiting and retention plan.
- Conduct unit commissioner membership ratio evaluations with the
stated goal of improving our ratios by specified amounts.
- Develop and execute a plan for training and use of the Unit
Visitation Tracking System in each area.
- Discuss on a regular basis how to expand the role of the
commissioner in an effective Key 3 relationship.
- Visit at least three councils in your region during the calendar year.
- Participate with or serve on the faculty of a commissioner conference or
College of Commissioner Science
Source: Administration of
Commissioner Service (34501) - Pages 41, 42, and 44-47
Unit Commissioner
Progress Record for the Commissioner Key/Arrowhead Honor Award (Page 46)
Commissioner Progress Record for the Arrowhead Honor/Commissioner Key (Page
and Assistant District Commissioner Progress Record for the Commissioner
Key/Arrowhead Honor Award (Page 41)
and Assistant Council Commissioner (Administrative) Progress Record for the Commissioner
Key/Arrowhead Honor Award (Page 44)
and Assistant Council Commissioner (Field Service) Progress Record for the Commissioner
Key/Arrowhead Honor Award (Page 45)
Requirements for Arrowhead Honor Award and
Commissioner Key for Area and Regional Commissioners (Page 47)
Page updated on:
December 09, 2014