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Amateur Radio Service to Scouting Award

The award recognizes members for their contribution bringing Amateur Radio to
scouts through various scouting activities and venues. ARRL members can complete
the nomination form and submit it to their ARRL Section Manager to authorize ARRL
to issue the award certificate. Receipt of the ARRL Service to Scouting Award entitles
the leader to wear the BSA Square Knot emblem.
Noteworthy service to Radio Scouting through the individual having met five of the following ten requirements.
- 1. Organize a class and teach Radio Merit Badge to a District or Council
"Merit Badge Day" or "STEM Badge Day" event.
- Participate in teaching Radio Merit Badge at a Troop, District or Council
event on at least three different occasions.
- Participate in teaching Radio Merit Badge conducted at a hamfest or organized
by an amateur radio club on at least three different occasions.
- Organize and lead a District or Council Jamboree on the Air (JOTA) event.
- Participate in Jamboree on the Air (JOTA) activities for at least three
- Provide Amateur Radio communications support for a summer camp, winter camp,
Camporee, Klondike Derby, or other official District or Council camp.
- Participate in three District or Council Camporees by setting up an Amateur
Radio Demonstration Station.
- Serve as Chairman or member of a Council Radio Scouting Committee and guide
significant improvements in council amateur radio operating facilities and expanded
Scouting amateur radio activities;
- Arrange for the donation of equipment to establish amateur radio stations
at a Council camps.
- Serve as a K2BSA Staff Member at a National Jamboree or on the Amateur Radio
Staff at a World Jamboree
For more information, Requirements & Nomination Form -
Click Here
Page updated on:
November 17, 2016