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Venturing Leader's Training Award

The requirements for this award have been revised.
Scouters already working on the award may continue with these requirements until
December 31, 2012.
Those starting work should use the new requirements.
To see the current requirements,
Click here.
- Complete Fast Start Training
- Complete Venturing Leader Specific Training.
Complete a total of two years as a registered adult Venturing leader.
(Dates of service used to earn this award cannot be used to earn another key
or award.).
Do any seven of the following:
- Participate in a support role for five crew weekend activities.
- Serve on the staff of a district, council, area, region, or national Venturing
training event.
- Help with two Friends of Scouting enrollments.
- Assist with a Venturing Leadership Skills Course.
- Serve as a Bronze, Gold, Silver, or Ranger consultant.
- Help organize or reorganize a Venturing crew.
- Participate in two parents' night programs.
- Participate in a crew open house.
- Participate in a crew officers' seminar.
Leader Progress Record
Source: Leadership Training Committee Guide - 2006 (#34169A)
Page updated on:
February 07, 2014