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These were the REQUIREMENTS before the changes made with
the release of a new merit badge pamphlet during 2005.

To see the current requirements Click Here

  1. List the major truck lines serving your town.
  2. Tell the importance of trucks in providing freight service to towns served by no other means. Name some towns in your area served only by trucks.
  3. Describe how trucks fit in with other forms of transportation.
  4. Describe the difference between the gasoline engine and the diesel engine that power trucks. List the advantages of each.
  5. Visit a truck terminal and do the following:
    1. Check the use of communications facilities. What means are used? How does a dispatcher control over- the-road trucks? How does he control local trucks?
    2. Find out from the maintenance department the following: How many miles are engines run between overhauls? How do they get better tire life? How are breakdowns prevented? What maintenance work is done by the company? What work is done outside the company?
    3. Talk with a professional truck driver about safety. List five safe-driving rules s/he follows.
  6. Outline the general organization of a truck company. Describe what each department does.
  7. Do the following:
    1. List five jobs with trucking companies. Describe each.
    2. Talk with the safety director or driver supervisor about the requirements for becoming a professional truck driver.
  8. Name five governmental agencies that regulate trucking. Tell what they regulate.
  9. List five different kinds of trucks. Tell the service each gives.
  10. Assume that you are going to ship 100 pounds from your town to another by truck. Explain in writing how you would handle this shipment from your town to a place 500 miles away. Tell when the things are needed. List what truck lines are used. Tell how the shipment is insured for damage. Tell when it must be made if it is to arrive on time.
  11. Define the following terms;
    • APU Bill of Lading,
    • Common carrier,
    • Containerization,
    • ETA,
    • Logbook,
    • Fifth wheel,
    • OS&D,
    • LTL.

BSA Advancement ID#: 113
Pamphlet Revision Date: 1973
Requirements last revised prior to 1982

Page updated on: May 08, 2022

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