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Either this Merit Badge or Lifesaving MB
is Required to earn the Eagle Scout Rank

These were the REQUIREMENTS before the REVISIONS
which were made on January 1, 2004.

To see the current requirements Click Here

  1. Earn the First Aid Merit Badge.
  2. Do the following:
    1. Tell what you would do to prevent injury and possible loss of life to yourself and others in each of the following emergencies: fire or explosion at home and in a public building, car stalled in a blizzard or desert, motor vehicle accident, mountain accident, food poisoning, boating accident, search for lost person, lost or marooned group, gas leak, earthquake, flood, tornado or hurricane, atomic emergency, and avalanche (snow or rock).
    2. Show that you know what to do in at least TWO of the above.
  3. Show how you could safely save a person from the following:
    1. Touching a live electric wire.
    2. A room with carbon monoxide or other fumes or smoke.
    3. Clothes on fire.
    4. Drowning using nonswimming rescues (including ice accidents).
  4. Tell the things a group of Scouts should be prepared to do, the training needed, and the safety precautions to be taken for the following emergency service:
    1. Crowd and traffic control
    2. Messenger service and communication.
    3. Collection and distribution services.
    4. Group feeding, shelter, and sanitation.
  5. Take part in an emergency service project, either real or a practice drill.
  6. Show three ways of attracting and communicating with rescue planes.
  7. With another person, show a good way to move an injured person out of a remote and rugged area, conserving the energy of all the rescuers.
  8. Do the following:
    1. Prepare a written plan for mobilizing your troop when needed to do emergency service. If there is a plan, explain it. Tell your part in making it work.
    2. Take part in at least one troop mobilization. Describe your part.
    3. Show the personal "emergency pack" which you have prepared to be ready for a mobilization call. Show a family kit (suitcase or box) for use by your family in case an emergency evacuation is needed. Explain the need.
  9. Show proper use of ropes and lines for rescue work by doing the following:
    1. Tie knots for joining lines. Tie knots for shortening or adjusting lines. Tie knots for lashings.
    2. Lower a person from a height sufficient to show how.
    3. Coil and accurately throw light and heavy 50-foot heaving lines.

BSA Advancement ID#: 6
Pamphlet Revision Date: 1995
Requirements last updated prior to 1982

Page updated on: May 08, 2022

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