Either this Merit Badge
or Hiking MB or Cycling MB
is Required to earn the Eagle Scout Rank
Until April 1, 1999, either this Merit Badge
or Personal Fitness MB or Sports MB
was Required to earn the Eagle Scout Rank
These were the REQUIREMENTS
before the REVISIONS made on January 1, 2001.
To see the current requirements
Click Here
Requirements revised on 01/01/98 are shown in
bold underlined text.
- Show that you know first aid for injuries or illnesses that
could occur while swimming, including hypothermia, heatstroke,
heat exhaustion, dehydration, sunburn, insect stings, tick bites,
blisters, and hyperventilation.
- Do the following:
- Identify the conditions that must exist before performing
CPR on a person. Explain how such conditions are recognized.
- Demonstrate proper technique for performing
CPR using a training device approved by your counselor.
- Before doing the following requirements, successfully complete
the BSA swimmer test. Jump feet first into water over your head
in depth, swim 75 yards or 75 meters in a strong manner using
one or more of the following strokes: sidestroke, breaststroke,
trudgen, or crawl; then swim 25 yards or 25 meters using an
easy resting backstroke. The 100 yards or 100 meters must be
swum continuously and include at least one sharp turn. After
completing the swim, rest by floating as motionless as possible.
Explain how the Safe Swim Defense plan is used to protect Scout
troops and other groups when they are swimming.
- Swim continuously for 150 yards using the following strokes
in good form and in a strong manner: sidestroke for 50 yards,
elementary backstroke for 50 yards, front crawl or trudgen for
25 yards, and either the breaststroke or back crawl for 25 yards.
- In water over your head, but not to exceed 10 feet, do each
of the following:
- Use the feet first method of surface diving and bring
an object up from the bottom.
- Do a head first surface dive, pike, or tuck, and bring
the object up again.
- Do a head first surface dive to a depth of at least
5 feet and swim underwater for 3 strokes. Come to the surface,
take a breath, and repeat the sequence twice.
- In water at least 8 feet deep, show a headfirst dive from
a dock or pool deck. Show a long shallow dive, also from the
dock or pool deck. If a low board (not to exceed 40 inches above
water at least 9 feet deep) is available, show a plain front
- Enter water over your head wearing clothes (shoes and socks,
underwear or swim trunks, long pants, belt, long-sleeved shirt).
Remove the shoes and socks. Inflate the shirt and show that
you can float using the shirt for support. Remove the pants
and use them for support while floating. Swim 50 yards using
inflated clothing for support. (Note: If the bottom surface
of the swimming area is dark or objects can not be seen easily,
practice removing shoes and socks in neck-deep water, then leave
shoes and socks on land or in a protected area to prevent loss,
and demonstrate the above.)
- Do the following:
- Float face up in a resting position as nearly motionless
as possible for at least a minute.
- While wearing a properly fitted personal flotation device
(PFD), demonstrate the "HELP" and "huddle" positions. Explain
their purpose.
- In warm water (at least 70F or 21C), show survival floating.
If the water is cooler than 70F, discuss the purpose, technique,
and limitations of survival floating.
- Do the following:
- Demonstrate rescuing a person from water by reaching
with an arm or leg, by reaching with a suitable object,
and by throwing lines and objects.
- Explain why swimming rescues should not be attempted
when a reaching or throwing assist or boat rescue can be
done instead. Explain why and how a person making a swimming
rescue should avoid contact with the victim.
BSA Advancement ID#: 14
Pamphlet Revision Date: 2000
Requirements last revised in 2001