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Neckerchief: The Oath and Law you wear
My first Scoutmaster taught the importance of the Scout Oath and Law using the
Neckerchief. He would hold the open neckerchief in his hands and remind the
young scouts of what the last item of clothing they put on when they were
getting dressed of the meeting was, his neckerchief. He said that it was no
coincidence that the neckerchief had 3 sides, just like the three parts of the
Scout oath. He would run a side through his fingers and say "On my honor, I'll
do my best. To do my duty to God" The first and longest side is to remind you
of your long standing duty to God. This whole side is hidden from view, just
as your faith is deep inside you. But without that faith, there is no strength
for the rest.
Holding on to the neckerchief by the point he would run the next side through
his fingers and say "To help other people at all times...." This shorter side
is to remind you of your duty to help others. Remember it is some of this duty
that shows to others, just like part of this side of your neckerchief shows.
So do your duty to others well so that people might see the good work you do
in the name of Scouting.
The last side also shows. He would say "To keep myself physically strong,
mentally awake and morally straight." This last side is your duty to your
self. This shows to others as well. They will know that by seeing your
uniform, you are a young man who is physically fit. Has a strong moral
foundation and who is not apt to fall into the temptations of drugs and
He would then say that this was a means by which we could remember the Scout
Oath, every time we got dressed in uniform. He also gave us a means by which
to remember the Scout Law.
While wrapping the neckerchief up for wear, he said to wrap it tight in small
twists, 12 in fact. And to repeat the 12 points of the Scout Law as you did
so. Then as you placed your neckerchief around your neck for wear, the
elements of the Scout Oath and Law were with you. They were in fact part of
I hope my remembrances of Mr. Clinton Cooper Troop 6 Nashua, N.H. from 1969
can be used by some. It is a memory that I have used through out my scouting
career and have shared with Scouts and Scouters.
John Herrholz,
Eagle Scout from Troop 6 Nashua NH 1973
Massabesic District Commissioner
Daniel Webster Council, New Hampshire