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As of June 1998 there are 150 countries with WOSM 
recognized National Scout Organizations. The 
countries that had population figures are listed below.

Membership: The membership which is shown in these 
149 countries represents only the members (youth and 
adults) of the World Organization of the Scout Movement 
WOSM), which in most countries includes boys and girls. 
In some countries - mostly in Europe - the national
organization is larger than indicated here because it 
includes girls who are members of the World
Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts.

WOSM Membership figures are from 
except for BSA figures which are from BSA National's 
publication ProSpeak as of 8/31/98 (WOSM numbers were 
about 1 million more).  Country population figures are 
from: U.S. Bureau of the Census, International Data 
Base and The World Factbook, 1997.

Rank Country            Membership  Country Pop.   Per 
1    Indonesia            9,896,357 212,941,810    4.65%
2    Philippines          2,888,265  77,725,862    3.72%
3    Kiribati                 1,798      83,976    2.14%
4    Thailand             1,050,365  60,037,366    1.75%
5    Dominica                 1,100      65,777    1.67%
6    Maldives                 4,543     290,211    1.57%
7    Liechtenstein              496      31,717    1.56%
8    United States        4,042,943 270,311,758    1.50% 
     BSA Only
9    Ireland                 51,903   3,619,480    1.43%
10   Luxembourg               5,853     425,017    1.38%
11   Barbados                 3,041     259,025    1.17%
12   Fiji                     9,205     802,611    1.15%
13   Grenada                  1,052      96,217    1.09%
14   United Kingdom         630,954  58,970,119    1.07%
15   Denmark                 53,258   5,333,617    1.00%
16   New Zealand             33,673   3,625,388    0.93%
17   Belgium                 92,691  10,174,922    0.91%
18   Canada                 272,070  30,675,398    0.89%
19   Gambia                  11,056   1,291,858    0.86%
20   Brunei Darussalam        2,617     315,292    0.83%
21   Sweden                  71,033   8,886,738    0.80%
22   San Marino                 193      24,894    0.78%
23   Finland                 38,132   5,149,242    0.74%
24   Qatar                    5,096     697,126    0.73%
25   Malta                    2,772     379,563    0.73%
26   Belize                   1,643     230,160    0.71%
27   Cyprus                   5,013     748,982    0.67%
28   Australia              124,424  18,613,087    0.67%
29   Iceland                  1,692     271,033    0.62%
30   Bangladesh             784,054 127,567,002    0.61%
31   Suriname                 2,601     427,980    0.61%
32   Kenya                  168,021  28,337,071    0.59%
33   Bahamas                  1,644     279,833    0.59%
34   Korea, Republic of     263,796  46,416,796    0.57%
35   St. Vincent and the        676     119,818    0.56%
36   Trinidad & Tobago        6,210   1,116,595    0.56%
37   Portugal                52,208   9,927,556    0.53%
38   Swaziland                4,994     966,462    0.52%
39   Poland                 187,022  38,606,922    0.48%
40   Malaysia                93,449  20,932,901    0.45%
41   Tunisia                 40,920   9,380,404    0.44%
42   Switzerland             31,553   7,260,357    0.43%
43   Norway                  18,956   4,419,955    0.43%
44   Comoros                  2,200     545,528    0.40%
45   Oman                     9,495   2,363,591    0.40%
46   Netherlands             61,196  15,731,112    0.39%
47   Israel                  21,920   5,643,966    0.39%
48   Slovenia                 7,301   1,971,739    0.37%
49   Czech Republic          35,610  10,286,470    0.35%
50   Saint Lucia                516     152,335    0.34%
51   China, Scouts of        72,927  21,908,135    0.33%
52   Pakistan               441,677 135,135,195    0.33%
53   Botswana                 4,660   1,448,454    0.32%
54   Togo                    15,759   4,905,827    0.32%
55   Jordan                  14,238   4,434,978    0.32%
56   Gabon                    3,835   1,207,844    0.32%
57   Kuwait                   6,061   1,913,285    0.32%
58   Singapore               10,392   3,490,356    0.30%
59   Bahrain                  1,820     616,342    0.30%
60   Uganda                  65,152  22,167,195    0.29%
61   Saudi Arabia            54,994  20,785,955    0.26%
62   Panama                   7,111   2,735,943    0.26%
63   Mauritius                2,998   1,168,256    0.26%
64   United Arab Emirates     5,824   2,303,088    0.25%
65   Lebanon                  8,450   3,505,794    0.24%
66   Chile                   35,180  14,787,781    0.24%
67   Spain                   89,256  39,133,996    0.23%
68   Libyan Arab             12,902   5,690,727    0.23%
69   Central African Repub    7,000   3,375,771    0.21%
70   Mongolia                 5,311   2,578,530    0.21%
71   Italy                  115,449  56,782,748    0.20%
72   Austria                 16,455   8,133,087    0.20%
73   France                 117,531  58,804,944    0.20%
74   Japan                  244,827 125,931,533    0.19%
75   Hungary                 19,809  10,208,127    0.19%
76   Monaco                      62      32,035    0.19%
77   Benin                   11,587   6,100,799    0.19%
78   Macedonia                3,500   2,009,387    0.17%
79   Germany                133,942  82,079,454    0.16%
80   Greece                  17,378  10,662,138    0.16%
81   India                1,591,083 984,003,683    0.16%
82   Costa Rica               5,688   3,604,642    0.16%
83   Jamaica                  4,133   2,634,678    0.16%
84   Sierra Leone             7,963   5,080,004    0.16%
85   Haiti                    9,859   6,780,501    0.15%
86   Sri Lanka               25,288  18,933,558    0.13%
87   Tanzania                40,809  30,608,769    0.13%
88   Congo                   62,842  49,000,511    0.13%
89   Burundi                  6,661   5,537,387    0.12%
90   Yugoslavia              12,080  10,526,135    0.11%
91   Egypt                   74,598  66,050,004    0.11%
92   Nepal                   24,889  23,698,421    0.11%
93   Argentina               35,633  36,265,463    0.10%
94   Burkina Faso            10,165  11,266,393    0.09%
95   Bolivia                  6,859   7,826,352    0.09%
96   Liberia                  2,418   2,771,901    0.09%
97   Uruguay                  2,841   3,284,841    0.09%
98   Namibia                  1,378   1,622,328    0.08%
99   Slovakia                 4,510   5,392,982    0.08%
100   Croatia                 3,865   4,671,584    0.08%
101   Honduras                4,319   5,861,955    0.07%
102   El Salvador             4,180   5,752,067    0.07%
103   Estonia                 1,016   1,421,335    0.07%
104   Mauritania              1,779   2,511,473    0.07%
105   Rwanda                  5,479   7,956,172    0.07%
106   Belarus                 7,050  10,409,050    0.07%
107   Syrian Arab Republic   11,073  16,673,282    0.07%
108   Madagascar              8,857  14,462,509    0.06%
109   Senegal                 5,882   9,723,149    0.06%
110   Mexico                 59,531  98,552,776    0.06%
111   Guatemala               7,247  12,007,580    0.06%
112   Armenia                  2035   3,421,775    0.06%
113   Papua New Guinea        2,599   4,599,785    0.06%
114   Iraq                   12,000  21,722,287    0.06%
115   Angola                  6,000  10,864,512    0.06%
116   Colombia               20,973  38,580,949    0.05%
117   Venezuela              12,371  22,803,409    0.05%
118   Nicaragua               2,298   4,583,379    0.05%
119   South Africa           21,323  42,834,520    0.05%
120   Peru                   12,276  26,111,110    0.05%
121   Guinea                  3,470   7,477,110    0.05%
122   Ecuador                 5,536  12,336,572    0.04%
123   Zimbabwe                4,817  11,044,147    0.04%
124   Cameroon                6,535  15,029,433    0.04%
125   Morocco                12,304  29,114,497    0.04%
126   Nigeria                46,701 110,532,242    0.04%
127   Côte-d,Ivoire           6,436  15,446,231    0.04%
128   Lithuania               1,500   3,600,158    0.04%
129   Guyana                    294     707,954    0.04%
130   Sudan                  13,550  33,550,552    0.04%
131   Dominican Republic      3,200   7,998,766    0.04%
132   Yemen                   6,481  16,387,963    0.04%
133   Chad                    2,850   7,359,512    0.04%
134   Moldova, Republic of    1,540   4,457,729    0.03%
135   Brazil                 58,493 169,806,557    0.03%
136   Latvia                    801   2,385,396    0.03%
137   Algeria                10,000  30,480,793    0.03%
138   Zambia                   3031   9,460,736    0.03%
139   Paraguay                1,240   5,291,020    0.02%
140   Romania                 4,930  22,395,848    0.02%
141   Georgia                 1,063   5,108,527    0.02%
142   Tajikistan              1,100   6,020,095    0.02%
143   Lesotho                   371   2,089,829    0.02%
144   Turkey                 11,252  64,566,511    0.02%
145   Ghana                   3,186  18,497,206    0.02%
146   Niger                   1,230   9,671,848    0.01%
147   Hong Kong (P.R.C.)     53,049 1,236,914,65    0.00%

These items were posted to rec.scouting by: Bill Nelson, Webelos Den Leader, Eagles Patrol, Pack 878, Tempe District, Grand Canyon Council, Phoenix, Arizona USA (email:

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