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International Scouting EventsArchival Material
3rd Greater Toronto Region Jamboree
Fort George, Niagara-on-the-Lake, Ontario
July 8-15, 2000
For: 4,500 7-17 years old
Fee: $Can 325 (International), excluding food and transportation
Home Hospitatility: Yes
Information: 3rd GTR Jamboree Committee, Scouts Canada, Greater Toronto Region, 265 Yorkland Blvd, 2nd Floor, North Y ON, M2J 5C7, Canada. Fax 1-416-490-6911. Tel 1-416-490-6364 Ext 460.
E-mail: ron_nicholson@sympatico.ca
Web: http://wwscoutgtr.org
Host: Scouts Canada
17th Danish National Jamboree
The Journey to the Middle Ages
Randers, East Jutland
July 8-16, 2000
Featuring: All-camp activities, campfires, hikes
For: 25,000 11 years old and over
Fee: DKK 1,100, includes food, excludes transportation
E-mail: kfumhq@kfumscout.dk
Host: K.F.U.M. - Spejderne i Danmark
7th International Friendship Camp
Kibblestone International Camp, Oulton Stone, Staffordshire
United Kingdom/Royaume-Uni
July 22-29, 2000
Featuring: Abseliing, archery, canoeing, hiking, hillwalking, rock climbing, waterworld, sightseeing
For: 2,000 11-21 years old
Fee: 47 pounds, excludes transportation and food
Information: Mrs Carol Johnson, International Friendship Camp, Derry Farm, 26 Birmingham Road, Shenstone Lichfield, Staffs WS14 0LH, United Kingdom Tel/Fax. 44-1543-480-860
E-mail: David.J.Johnson@btinternet.com
Host: The Scout Association (UK)
Dutch National Jamboree 2000
Dronten Flevoland (Campsite World Jamboree 1995)
July 24 - August 2, 2000
Featuring: Opening and closing ceremonies, games, music, hikes, excursions, survival courses, face painting, swopping, board games
For: 10,000 11-18 years old
Fee: NLG 465, incl food
E-mail: jamboree@lb.scouting.nl
Web: http://www.scong.l/jamboree/index-eng.html
Host: Scouting Nederland
XII Caribbean Jamboree
Leaping Forward
St. Lucia/Sainte-Lucie
July 26-August 3, 2000
Featuring: Nature hikes, Caribbean cultural evenings, Piton Challenge
For: 2,500 13-16 years old
Fee: US$ 250, incl. food, excludes transportation
Home Hospitality: Yes
Host: St. Lucia Scout Association
Campdowne 2000
Bridge to the Future
Downe Scout Camp, Kent
United Kingdom/Royaume-Uni
July 27 - August 5, 2000
Featuring: Many and varied activities. A trip to the Milennium Dome and Exhibitioon at Greenwich (at extra cost)
For: 5,000 10-21 years old
Fee: 128 Pounds, incl. food, excludes transportation
Information: Campdowne 2000, 211 Erith Road, Bexleyheath, Kent DA7 6HR, United Kingdom. Fax 44-1322-558-118. Tel. 44-1322-558-008.
E-mail: campdowne2000@btinternet.com
Host: The Scout Association (UK)
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