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Eagle Scout Information

Special Eagle Scout Recognitions

U. S Flags - Flown over the Pentagon or the Capitol
Pentagon U.S. Capitol


  1. The requestor must provide the flag. All requests must be submitted 15 business days in advance, or the least must be 5 business days from date of receipt (if you are mailing the flag(s) please add on an additional week).
  2. Each returned flag will be accompanied by a certificate verifying the date upon which the flag was flown along with the person's name and the occasion for which the flag was flown (the certificate only has 3 lines which holds 32 characters including spaces).
  3. The requestor (without Pentagon access) must provide within the package return postage from the post office or another requestor pre-paid shipping method (i.e. FedEx or UPS Air Bill with an account number, must also provide return packaging or postage stamps) for the flag and certificate to be returned. (The Pentagon Force Protection Agency (PFPA) cannot accept cash, money orders or checks for the return postage. PFPA is not responsible for providing return postage.)
  4. The requestor will be notified immediately to arrange for shipping if return postage or another paid shipping method is not received with the flag so that the flag and certificate can be returned. If additional postage is due, you will be notified upon delivery. (Due to limited space flag(s) cannot be held for more than 30 days from date of receipt.)
  5. A typed or printed letter of request must accompany the flag and contain the following information:
    • The name of the person the flag is been flown for
    • The occasion the flag will be flown for, if any (e.g. retirements, anniversary, birthday, etc.)
    • The specific date the flag is requested to be flown on. If no date is specified, the flag will be flown 15 business days after receipt of the flag.
    • The point of contact’s name, address, and their telephone number (commercial and/or DSN) and email address.
  6. Requestors with Pentagon access dropping off or picking up a flag may go directly to 5B890 between 0900-1230 and 1400-1600 Monday-Friday (excluding Federal Holidays) (703) 692-7842

Submit the written request to:

Pentagon Force Protection Agency
Program Integration Directorate, Room 5B890
9000 Defense Pentagon
Washington, DC 20301-9000

You can purchase a US flag that has flown over the United States Capitol building in Washington, D.C., by ordering it from your US Representative or Senator. In fact, this is the only way to purchase one of these flags.

Certificate of authenticity. You may request that your flag be flown on a certain date such as a birthday or anniversary. A certificate showing it was flown over the Capitol accompanies each flag. If you mention in your letter or on your request form that this flag is for any specific occasion, that information will be included on the certificate. If you are requesting a specific date, please make your request at least 4 weeks prior to that date.

Fabric and size of flags. All flags are made in the United States. The cotton flags come in two sizes: 3’x5’ or 5’x8’. The nylon flags come in the same size as the cotton and one additional size: 4’x6’.

Prices. According to a survey we recently conducted, the specific prices vary from office to office. The prices include only the costs of the flag itself, the certificate, and shipping and handling. The payment must be a check or money order made payable to the fund designated by the specific Congressional office.

Order information. Most web sites of Representatives and Senators have a page devoted to the process for ordering flags from their offices. Check for a link to "Constituent Services" or "Services" for the ordering information for that office. If you find that the web site does not tell how to order a flag, please call the State or field office of the member of Congress for the information.

The easiest way to obtain a flag flown over the U.S. Capitol is to contact your Representative's office using an order form House of Representatives has online at a URL like this: Just replace the underline after the equal sign with your State's 2 character Postal Code, followed by your 2 digit House of Representatives District number For example. if you live in New York, District 6, the URL would end with $ssdd=NY06

Here are the prices as of March 1, 2024:

Size Flown over the Capitol Not Flown over the Capitol
Cotton Nylon Cotton Nylon
3x5 $24.00 $23.00 $15.00 $14.00
4x6 $27.00 n/a $18.00 n/a
5x8 $38.00 $34.00 $30.00 $25.00
The Suffolk County Jewish Committee on Scouting has an Internet certificate that will be sent in PDF format (Adobe Acrobat) to ANY Scout/Scouter who requests it regardless of religion.

Please forward your request to SCJCOS@AOL.COM


To download the required request form for the Eagle Scout Internet Certificate, Click Here.
Open the downloaded form in Word or a similar word processor and enable text editing.
Use only ONE Eagle Scout Per Form.
Use black text 12 point Times New Roman type only. Colored text will not work on their system.
Their system is semi-automated. Errors will cause your request to bounce.

Suffolk County Jewish Committee on Scouting Certificate of Recognition
Sons of the American Revolution

Arthur M. & Berdena King Eagle Scout Scholarship

The Sons of the American Revolution has an annual Eagle Scout Essay Contest, where college scholarships are awarded. Top prize is an $8,000.00 college scholarship.  This is separate from the scholarship program administered by the BSA.

The program is open to all Eagle Scouts who are currently registered in an active unit and have not reached their 19th birthday during the year of application. (The application year is the calendar year, 01 Jan. to 31 Dec.) The year that Eagle was awarded is not restricted. College plans do not need to be completed in order to receive the cash scholarship. Three cash scholarship awards are given: As the National First Place winner - $8,000.00; Runner-up - $4,000.00; 2nd runner-up - $2,000.00. You may apply more than one year if you meet the age requirements but no more than $8,000.00 total may be granted to any one Eagle Scout.

For details, see:

For a list of addresses of public officials and other individuals that may send letters of congratulations, Click Here.

Page updated on: March 07, 2024

Scouts Using the Internet Cartoon - Courtesy of Richard Diesslin - Click to See More Cartoons
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