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Eagle Scout Information

Eagle Scout Ceremony
With Light Box

From a posting to Scouts-L

You modify the Eagle Charge that comes with the Eagle Certificate. Below is one way to do it, but you can make changes as you see fit.

PRESENTATION OF ____________: Escort:_________

___________: Will the Eagle Escort now bring ____________ forward.

Scout 1: Before you light a candle and place it in the Eagle Log, we believe that it is important that you understand that the Eagle rank is a responsibility as well as an honor. We respectfully ask that this applicant be informed of the responsibilities of an Eagle Scout.

The foremost responsibility of an Eagle Scout is to live with honor. To an Eagle Scout, honor is the foundation of all character. He knows that "A Scout is trustworthy" is the very first point of the Scout Law for a good reason. An Eagle Scout lives honorable, not only because honor is important to him but because of the vital significance of the example he sets for other Scouts. Living honorably reflects credit on his home, his church, his troop, and his community. May the WHITE of your badge remind you to live with honor always.

: The second obligation of an Eagle Scout is loyalty. A Scout is true to his family, Scout leaders, friends, school, and nation. His loyalty to his troop and brother Scouts makes him pitch in and carry his share of the load. All of these help to build the loyalty that means devotion to community, to country, to one's own ideals, and to God. Let the BLUE of the Eagle Badge always inspire your loyalty.

The third obligation of an Eagle Scout is to be courageous. Courage has always been a quality by which men measure themselves and others. To a scout, bravery means not only the courage to face physical danger, but also the determination to stand up for right. Trusting in God, with faith in his fellowman, he looks forward to each day, seeking his share of the world's work to do. Let the RED of the Eagle badge remind you always of courage.

The fourth obligation of an Eagle Scout is to be cheerful. To remind the Eagle Scout to always wear a smile, the red, white, and blue ribbon is attached to the scroll of the Second Class Scout award, which has ends turned up in a SMILE.

The final responsibility of an Eagle Scout is service. The Eagle Scout extends a helping hand to those who still toil along the Scouting trail, just as others helped him in his climb to the Eagle. The performance of the daily Good turn takes on a new meaning when he enters a more adult life of service to others. The EAGLE stands as protector of the weak and helpless. He aids and comforts the unfortunate and oppressed. He upholds the rights of others while defending his own. He well knows and always will be prepared to put fourth his best.

Eagle Candidate____________, are you willing and eager to accept the responsibilities as well as the honor of the badge of an Eagle Scout?

Eagle Candidate: I am

Note: The Words in Capitals, WHITE, BLUE, RED, SMILE , and EAGLE are the signal words to turn on the appropriate switches.

Chris Haggerty
Sierra Vista, Arizona
Legacy Systems Analyst, Anteon Corporation
Catalina Council Advancement Chairman
Instructor Trainer for Water Safety, Southern Arizona Chapter,
American Red Cross or

Page updated on: August 08, 2007

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