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Eagle Scout Information

Eagle Scout Charge

I have the honor to give you the Eagle Scout charge on the occasion of your elevation to the highest rank in Scouting.

The Boy Scouts of all nations constitute one of the most wholesome and significant movements in the world's history and you have been counted worthy of this high rank in the Boy Scouts of America.

All who know you rejoice in your achievement. Your position, as you well know, is one of honor and responsibility. You are a marked man. As an Eagle Scout you have assumed a solemn obligation to do your duty to god to country, to your fellow Scouts and to mankind in general. This is a great undertaking.

As you live up to your obligations you bring honor to yourself and to your brother Scouts. Your responsibility goes beyond your fellow Scouts to your country and your god. America has many good things to give you and your children after you; but these things depend for the most part on the quality of her citizens.

Our country has had a great past. You are here to make the future greater. I charge you to undertake your citizenship with a solemn dedication. Be a leader, but, lead only towards the best. Lift up every task you do and every office you hold to the high level of service to god and to your fellow man. So live and serve that these who know you, will be inspired to the finest living. We have too many who use their strength and their brains to exploit others and to gain selfish ends. I charge you to be among those who dedicate their skills and ability to the common good. Build America on the solid foundations of clean living, honest work, unselfish citizenship and reverence for god and, whatever others say or may do, you leave behind you a record of which every Scout may be justly proud.

On behalf of the Court of Honor of the ----------------- Council, Boy Scouts of America, with the high hope that you will always represent the finest of character and citizenship, we welcome you into the brotherhood of Eagle Scouts and congratulate you, your parents and your Scout leaders.

Please note that many forms/variations of this are used. No single charge is considered to be the "right" one.

See also: The Eagle Scout Challenge

Page updated on: August 06, 2007

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