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Scouting Resources in Spanish Recursos Scout en Espanol Thanks to Charlie Thorpe for compiling this listing.
The following is a partial retyping (the cover sheet and Resource Order
Form is omitted) of the BSA "Recursos Scout en Espanol" (Scouting
Resources in Spanish) publication No. 94-002, 1996 printing.
Each item is followed with the order number and price in the following
format: (xxxxx, yyyy) where xxxxx is the order number and yyyy is the
price. "n/c" means "no cost" (free!). Please excuse any typing errors.
----< the following should be doggone close to a direct partial retyping >-----
The following Scouting resources have been translated into the Spanish
language to encourage and facilitate the involvement of parents and adult
leaders who cannot read English. Eliminating the language barrier allows
these adults to participate in the Scouting program today, not tomorrow
when they have learned English. With the increasing number of
Spanish-speaking residents of the United States, this will be essential to
the success of Scouting now and in years to come.
When feasible, resources are done in a bilingual format. However, due to
the size and complexity of some of the resources and the cost factors
involved in keeping up with the frequent changes to the English editions,
some resources are available in a Spanish-only format.
Order from Mail/Purchasing, S100 at the national office:
Literature Support Material - Limit 12 per Order
Scouting Resources in the Spanish Language Resource Folder (94-002, n/c)
Your Organization and Scouting (94-003, n/c)
- Promotional brochure/poster to be used with organizations that serve the
Hispanic community. This brochure demonstrates how Scouting can be used as
a viable resource program when dealing with Hispanic needs and concerns.
Be a Cub Scout Today (94-004, n/c) 2 per council
Be a Boy Scout Today (94-005, n/c) 2 per council
- Printing masters for fliers to promote get-acquainted-with-Scouting
parents' meetings. council adds date, time, and place. Can be used as a
master on your copier or printer.
Child Abuse: Let's Talk About It (94-006, n/c)
- Designed to establish child abuse awareness within the family structure
through community organizations. Also available in English.
Parent's Supplement to the Wolf Cub Scout Book (94-008, n/c)
Parent's Supplement to the Bear Cub Scout Book (94-009, n/c)
Parent's Supplement to the Webelos Scout Book (94-010, n/c)
- Spanish-language parent supplements to the Cub Scout Wolf, Bear, and
Webelos books. Include parents' guide and advancement requirements.
Designed to be used in conjunction with the boys' books.
Boy Scout Requirements (94-011, n/c)
Translation of the English version.
Cub Scout Job Description Cards (94-012, n/c)
- Spanish version of existing English job description cards. Itemized
breakdown of all adult leader positions associated with Cub Scouting.
Staging Den and Pack Ceremonies (94-017, n/c)
Translation of the English version.
Your Son - A Great Treasure (94-018, n/c)
- An excellent promotional piece showing Hispanic involvement in the
community. Can be used with potential chartered organizations and/or
Promotional Poster (English) (94-019, n/c)
Promotional Poster (Spanish) (94-020, n/c)
- Designed to help establish visibility of Scouting and self-esteem in the
Hispanic community. Materials feature action pictures depicting Hispanic
Scouts and leaders. Attractive multicolored posters, culturally attuned to
show that Hispanics are a part of Scouting. The message to the youth is
"fun and adventure." The message to the parent is "education and
Bobcat Action Book (94-023, n/c)
Cub Scout Family Action Book (94-024, n/c)
Action Book for New Scouts (94-025, n/c)
Bilingual introduction to each of the titled programs.
The Aims and Methods of Boy Scouting (94-026, n/c)
Translation of English version.
How Scouting Dollars Serve (94-027, n/c)
Translation of English version.
Cub Scout Leader's Meeting Plans
- Our Neighborhood (94-028, n/c)
- All About People (94-029, n/c)
- Community Carnival (94-030, n/c)
- Sports Heroes (94-031, n/c)
- Who Am I? (94-056, n/c)
- Chefs (94-057, n/c)
- Bobcat and Wolf (94-058, n/c)
- Wolf in the Den (94-059, n/c)
- These manuals are designed as aids for Cub Scout leaders, eliminating the
time and effort involved in researching other resources. Each of these
manuals contains tow months of detailed plans for den, pack, and leaders'
How Do you Pronounce Hispanic Names? (94-041, n/c)
Directed at non-Hispanics to assist with the correct pronunciation of
Hispanic names.
Activity Manualw for Troop Meetings - These manuals are designed as aids for unit leaders, eliminating the time
and effort of researching other resources. Each of these manuals contains
one theme with complete instructions and lesson plans for five troop
- Community Living (94-042, n/c)
- Camping (94-043, n/c)
- Citizenship (94-044, n/c)
- Physical Fitness (94-045, n/c)
- First Aid (94-046, n/c)
- Environment (94-047, n/c)
- Cooking (94-048, n/c)
- Conservation (94-049, n/c)
- Swimming (94-050, n/c)
- Hiking (94-051, n/c)
- Family Living (94-052, n/c)
- Communications (94-053, n/c)
Drugs: A Deadly Game Pamphlet (94-054, n/c)
Designed to establish drug-abuse awareness within the family structure
through community organizations. Also available in English from the
Magazine Division.
Certificate of Appreciation (94-055, n/c)
Hispanic Emphasis in Your Local Council (94-070, n/c)
A guide to conducting Hispanic Emphasis.
Siente la Emocion de Ser Scout Flier (94-071, n/c)
Youth Protection insert (94-072, n/c)
Meeting the Challenge (single parent brochure) (94-076, n/c)
Translation of English version.
Building Parent and Family Participation (94-78, n/c)
Translation of English version.
Cub Scout Leader How-To Book (94-079, n/c)
The Unacceptables Relevancy Program (94-080, n/c)
Translation of English version.
BSA Family Book (94-081, n/c)
Translation of English version.
Cub Scouts Ethics in Action (94-084, n/c)
Translation of English version.
Personal Health and Medical Record (94-085, n/c)
Translation of English version.
Learning for Life Flier (94-089, n/c)
Translation of English version.
Exploring Development Guide (94-096, n/c)
Audiovisual Support Material - Limit 1 per council
Siempre Juntos (Always Together) Video (94-001, n/c)
Ten-minute video. English-language introduction to Hispanic Awareness
directed to professional and select volunteer staff.
Cub Scout Leader Basic Training - Cub Scout Leader Basic Training is a training course for Cubmasters, den
leaders, Webelos den leaders, Tiger Cub group coaches (organizers, den
leader coaches, their assistants, pack committee members, and all other Cub
Scout leaders who have completed Cub Scout Leader Fast Start Training for
their registered positions.
- Basic Training video (94-013, n/c)
- Basic Training Manual (94-014, n/c)
- Basic Training Posters (16 posters) (94-015, n/c)
- Basic Training Certificate (94-016, n/c)
Reflecting/Ages and Stages Video (94-038, n/c)
Spanish version of video.
It Happened to Me Video (94-039, n/c)
Spanish version of video.
Boy Scout Leader Fast Start video (94-062, n/c)
Boy Scout Leader fast Start Viewer guide (4" x 7" booklet) (94-063, n/c)
Boy Scout Leader fast Start Viewer guide (8 1/2 x 11 camera ready)
(94-083, n/c)
Cub Scout Leader Fast Start video (94-064, n/c)
Cub Scout Leader fast Start Viewer guide (4" x 7" booklet) (94-065, n/c)
Cub Scout Leader fast Start Viewer guide (8 1/2 x 11 camera ready)
(94-082, n/c)
- Spanish versions of the Cub and Boy Scout leader Fast Start training.
These items will help leaders learn their responsibilities. These also
could be used when dealing with a non-English-reading audience.
Cub Scouting y Su Familia (Spanish) (94-066, n/c)
Boy Scouting y Su Familia (Spanish) (94-067, n/c)
Cub Scouting y Su Familia (English script) (94-068, n/c)
Boy Scouting y Su Familia (English script) (94-069, n/c)
- Spanish videos directed at the non-reading, adult Hispanic audience. they
explain the rudimentary steps of conducting Cub Scout den, Webelos Scout
den, Cub Scout pack, Boy Scout patrol, and Boy Scout troop meetings.
Youth Protection Video (94-073, n/c)
Scoutmastership Fundamentals
- Basic Training Manual (94-090, n/c)
- Boy Scout Advancement Video (94-091, n/c)
- Boy Scout Advancement Viewer Guide (94-092, n/c)
- The Barbecue Video (94-093, n/c)
- The Barbecue Viewer Guide (94-094, n/c)
- A three-part plan for building your skill as a Boy Scout leader. Just as
the polestar or North Star will always help you find true north, this
training will help you set a true course of learning experiences in
Scouting, and will point the way to other levels of personal growth as a
Summer Camp video (Boy Scout) (94-095, n/c)
Order from the Registration and Statistical Service, S108 at the national
Cub Scout Application (Los Cub Scouts Te Esperan) (28-110, n/c)
Tiger Cub Application (28-121, n/c)
Boy Scout Application (Los Boy Scouts Te Esperan) (28-210, n/c)
Adult Volunteer Application (Sea Un Lider voluntario) (28-502B, n/c)
Order from Magazine Division, S201 at the national office:
Drugs: A Deadly Game Poster (Spanish) (94-060, $5.75)
Order from External Communications at the national office:
Spanish Cub Scout Public Service Announcement (order by name, n/c)
Promotional public service announcement. Available in both English and
Spanish, 10- and 30-second segments. To be used in promoting Scouting
through local media channels. Highlights how Scouting can have a positive
impact on the major concerns of the Hispanic community. Order must specify
size of tape required by local media stations.
Hispanic Demographics for the 1990's (Fact Sheet) (2-972, n/c)
Order from the Relationships Division at the national office:
Scouting in Your Parish (Scouting en Su Parroquia) (16-211, $0.30 ea)
An excellent promotional piece that can be effective when working with a
parish priest or lay representative of the diocese. This booklet helps
demonstrate how Scouting can be a resource to the youth ministry program.
Order from Audiovisual Service, S316 at the national office:
La Familia de Scouts (AV-07V001, $13 ea)
Bilingual videotape telling how Scouting is ideally suited to the values
and culture of Hispanic Americans. Great for organizing new units; showing
to churches, PTAs, and civic groups; and cultivating Hispanic leaders.
Order from the Supply Division:
Tiger cubs, BSA, Family Activity Book (Nuestro Libro de
Actividades Familiares de Tiger Cubs) (3930S, $1 ea)
Welcome to Tiger Cubs (Bienvenidos a los Tiger Cubs) flip chart (3925S, $3 ea)
Prepared For Today (Preparado Para Hoy) (3941S, $0.40 ea)
Helps a parent prepare the child to be home alone. recommended for
Scouting and non-Scouting families.
Parvuli Dei Workbook (3086A,S $2.20 ea)
Parvuli dei ("Little Children of God" religious emblem), Roman Catholic
religious award workbook for Cub Scouts or Webelos Scouts. Its purpose is
to help young boys become more aware of God in their daily lives,
especially within the home and community.
This sample kit is designed to help your council see what items are
available for use with the Hispanic community and where to order them. For
additional information, please contact Hispanic Emphasis at the national
Boy Scouts of America
Hispanic Emphasis
1325 West Walnut Hill Lane
P.O.Box 152079
Irving, TX 75015-2079
------------------------< end of partial retyping >------------------------
I hope folks will get some good out of the above list. It has been
interesting to see how many international Scouters would like to see our
BSA documentaion in Spanish. The two publications that I wanted most are
apparently NOT yet translated (Boy Scout and Scoutmaster Handbooks)!
Thanks for the info, Michael.
y'all come,
Charlie II Huntsville,Al