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A Cartoon from the KNOTS or Not Scouting Cartoon Collection
with Supplement for 2009-10 (now available)
KNOTS Cartoons, Celebrating the Fun in Scouting
a full-color Paperback book of 11+ years of KNOTS cartoons is now
Fun Stuff (t-shirts, mugs, bags, mouse pads, etc.)
Copyright © 2010 Richard Diesslin,
cartoonist of the KNOTS or Not Scouting Cartoons!
Used by permission. This image may not be used or reproduced in any form
without the expressed written permission of the owner. Permission
is usually granted for local troop/pack hardcopy newsletter use, but you
need to ask (it's free)! Also, print resolution
images (color and black-and-white) and permissions are available with
purchase of the KNOTS
or Not Scouting Cartoon CD!
or one of the supplements. Thank
you for your interest in KNOTS cartoons. Rich's main web site is at www.the-cartoonist.com. |