Webelos Scout Activity Badges
Community Group

As revised in the 1998 edition of the
Webelos Scout Book.
(Revisions to requirements are shown in bold
underlined type.
Deletions are shown struck through in
red italics, like this text.
To see the current requirements with no
highlighting of the changes,
Click Here
Required for
Arrow of Light
Do All of These:
- Know the names of the President and Vice-President of the United
States. Know the names of the Governor of your state and the head of
your local government.
- Describe the flag of the United States and give a short history of
it. With another Webelos Scout helping you, show how to hoist and lower
the flag, how to hang it horizontally and vertically on a wall, and how
to fold it.
- Explain why you should respect your country's flag. Tell
some of the
special days you should fly it in your
state. Tell when to salute the flag and show how to
do it.
Repeat the Pledge of Allegiance
and repeat it
from memory. Explain its meaning in your own words. Lead your Webelos
den in reciting the pledge.
- Tell
about the meaning of
how our National Anthem
and how it was written.
- Explain the rights and duties of a citizen of the United States.
Explain what a citizen should do to save our natural
- Alone or with your Webelos den, do a special Good Turn.
Help your church or other religious organization, school, neighborhood,
or town. Tell what you did.
And Do Two of These:
7. Tell about
two things you have done
can do that will help law enforcement agencies.
8. Visit a
community leader. Learn about the duties of the job or office. Tell the
members of your Webelos den what you have learned.
9. Write a
short story of not less than 50 words about a former U.S. president or
some other great American man or woman. Give a report on this to your
Webelos den.
10. Tell
about another boy you think is a good citizen. Tell what he does that
makes you think he is a good citizen.
11. List the
names of three
five people you think are good citizens.
They can be from any country. Tell why you chose each of them.
12. Tell why
we have laws. Tell why you think it is important to obey the law. Tell
about three laws you obeyed this week.
13. Tell why
we have a
government. Explain some ways your family helps pay for government.
14. List
four six
ways in which your country helps or works with other nations.
15. Name
three organizations, not churches or other religious
organizations synagogues,
in your area that help people. Tell something about what one of these
organizations does.
16. Alone or with your Webelos den, do
a special Good Turn. Help your church or synagogue, school,
neighborhood, or town. Tell what you did.
Do Seven
Four of These
- Play the Body Language Game with your den.
- Prepare and give a three-minute talk to your den on a
subject of your choice.
Tell your den about something you have done and answer their questions
about it.
- Invent and use a sign language or a picture
writing language and use it to tell someone a
- Identify and discuss with your den as many different
methods of communication as you can (at least six different methods).
With your den, use a signal code to
send a message of a few words.
5. Tell how to use a telephone or Citizens Band (CB) radio properly.
6. Invent
your own den secret code and send one of your den members a secret
7. With one of your den members, tell
a story two different ways. Let the rest of the den try to find out
which version is true by asking questions.
8. With your
den, visit a library and talk to a librarian. Learn how books are
indexed to make them easy to find.
9. Visit the
newsroom of a newspaper or radio or television station and find out how
they receive information.
- Write an article about a den activity for your pack
newsletter or local newspaper.
10. Invite a
blind, deaf, or mute
person with a visual, speaking, or hearing impairment
to visit your den. Ask them
about the special ways he or she communicates.
problems they have in communicating.
See Discover how well you
can communicate with him or her
11. Use a
personal computer or terminal to
access a computer database. Talk about what you discover.
to write a letter to a friend or relative. Create your
letter, check it for grammar and spelling, and save it to either a hard
drive or a diskette. Print it.
- Under the supervision of a parent or adult, search the
Internet and connect to five Web sites that interest you. Exchange
e-mail with a friend or relative.
- Earn the academics belt loop for Computers.
- Earn the academics belt loop for Communicating.
12. Find out
about jobs in communications. Tell your den what you learn.
Do All of These:
- Tell what is meant by family, duty to family, and family meetings.
- Make a chart showing the jobs you and other family members have at
home. Talk with your family about other jobs you can do
may take on for
the next two months.
- Inspect your home and
grounds, and
make surroundings.
Make a list of hazards or lack of security that you
find. Correct one problem that you found and tell what you did.
Explain why garbage and trash must be disposed of properly.
4. Make a
list of some things for which your family spends money. Tell how you can
help your family save money.
- Plan your own budget for 30 days. Keep track of your
daily expenses for seven days.
And Do Two of These:
Prepare a family energy-saving plan. Tell the
things you did to carry it out.
Tell what your family does for fun. Make a list of fun
things your family might do for little cost. Do one of them with a
member of your family.
Learn how to clean your home properly. Help do it for one
Show that you know how to look after your clothes. Help
with at least two family washes.
Help plan the meals for your family for at least 1 week.
With adult supervision, help buy the food and
help prepare. Prepare
at least three meals for your family.
Take part in at least four family meetings and
help make decisions. Show
Cub Scout spirit by doing your best to play your part in the decisions
that are made. The meetings might
involve plans for family activities, or they might be about serious
topics that your parent wants you to know about.
Required for
Arrow of Light
Do All of These:
- Explain what first aid is. Tell what you should do after
in case of an
- Explain how you can get help quickly if there is an
emergency in your home. Make a "help list" of
people or agencies that can help you if you need it. Post it near a
phone or other place with easy access.
for these problems: Medical, Police,
Fire, Utilities (electricity, gas, etc.) Post a list of these directions
in your home.
- Show what to do for these "hurry cases"
- Serious bleeding
- Stopped breathing
- Internal poisoning
- Heart attack
- Show how to treat shock.
- Show first aid for the following:
- Cuts and scratches
- Burns and scalds
- Choking
- Tell what steps must be taken for a safe swim with your Webelos den,
pack, family, or other group. Explain the reasons for the buddy system.
And Do Two of These:
- Explain six rules of safety you should follow when driving a
- Plan a home fire escape plan for your family.
- Explain how to use each item in a first aid kit for a home or car.
- Tell where accidents are most likely to happen inside and around
your home.
- Explain six safety rules
of safety you
should remember when riding in a car.
- Attend a first aid demonstration at a Boy Scout troop meeting, a Red
Cross center, or other place.